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Monthly Webinar Series

OPD 2024 Monthly Webinar Series – Planning Lunches at Noon (PLAN)
Join the OPD Planning Division staff every third Thursday of the month from 12 to 1 pm to learn more about various planning and zoning topics. The topic for each PLAN webinar will be announced through Plan-link and posted below in advance of the webinar date.

Each PLAN webinar will be free and conducted live with a presentation and question and answer session. Each webinar will be recorded and available for viewing on OPD’s YouTube channel. The slides and handouts for each webinar will be available below prior to the webinar.

A how-to-guide is available to assist attendees with accessing and using Microsoft Teams, which is the webinar system that will be used for this series.

Feedback on the webinars is welcomed and participants are encouraged to complete the anonymous Webinar Feedback Survey.

Upcoming PLAN Webinars
  • August 15: Overview of 2023 Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey Results
    OPD Principal Planner Noah Hodgetts will present the results of the 2023 Municipal Land Use Regulation (MLUR) Survey. The 2023 MLUR survey conducted by OPD includes information for all 234 of the state’s municipalities on land use regulations including housing-related ordinances and water/shoreland regulations, local land use boards, master plans, economic development tools, and planning/development techniques. This webinar will also provide a tutorial on how to use the survey result’s interactive map and highlight housing-friendly zoning changes municipalities enacted in 2023 and to-date in 2024. Register here.
Previous PLAN Webinars
Previous PLAN webinar recordings can be viewed on OPD’s YouTube channel and slides and related documents could be accessed from here.  
If you would like to inquire about any of OPD’s past webinars and materials, please email