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State Development Plan

The NH State Development Plan serves as the state's overall planning document - to act as a guide for all state agencies as they develop plans, programs, and projects; to help state agencies establish priorities and allocate limited resources; to account for the plans of local and regional government and agencies; and to reflect the vision of the state's citizens.

The purpose and framework for the State Development Plan have been established by the Legislature in RSA 9-A. The Office of Planning and Development is directed to assist the Governor in preparing and updating the plan every four years, starting October 1, 2003. Fundamentally, the State Development Plan should include policies in areas related to the orderly physical, social, and economic growth and development of the state, all of which should reflect the principles of smart growth.
RSA 9-A also establishes the basic required contents of the State Development Plan relevant to the following topical areas:
  1. Overall vision, with special emphasis on smart growth principles
  2. Land use
  3. Transportation
  4. Public facilities
  5. Housing
  6. Economic development
  7. Natural resources
  8. Natural hazards
  9. Recreation
  10. Utility and public service
  11. Regional concerns
  12. Cultural and historic resources
  13. Implementation