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Floodplain Maps and Studies

Information about floodplain maps, flood studies and data

In support of the NFIP, FEMA has issued Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for most NFIP participating communities in New Hampshire. FIRMs identify areas with a one percent annual chance flood hazard in a community. These areas are called Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). The one percent annual chance flood is also referred to as the base flood or 100-year flood. The flood hazards areas shown on FIRMs are based on the best information available at the time the maps were prepared.
  • The FEMA Flood Mapping Basics training video provides a half hour introduction to the FEMA maps for community officials and others.
  • Floodplain Maps - Includes information and links on where to view the FEMA floodplain maps for NH communities.
  • Floodplain Map Changes - Includes information about the application processes that are required to change FEMA's floodplain maps.
  • Flood Studies and Data - Includes information about the FEMA Flood Insurance Studies, which accompany the floodplain maps, and other flood studies and data developed by other federal and state agencies.
  • Current NH Floodplain Mapping Activities - Includes information about FEMA's current floodplain mapping activities in New Hampshire.